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767 ezer szó

Évtizedek óta szerettem volna galaktikus eposzt írni. Végül 2018-ban nekikezdtem, egy több mint két évvel korábban látott szemvillanás segítségével. Ninda, a galaktikus történelem legnagyobb gondolkodója terjedelmes művet érdemel – végleges mérete egymillió szó fölött lesz, és jelenlegi számítás szerint 2026 elejére fog elkészülni. A jelenleg letölthető példány a 2024. május 25-én érvényes változat.


Beyond 700 thousand words in May 2024, work in progress; its final size is planned to be over one million words.
  Please note there are aspects and plot lines kept completely in secret yet, therefore not mentioned here.
  Part One
  The story of Ninda, the greatest personality who ever lived in the history of the Galaxy, begins on a dull, dim dawn when a group of homeless urban thieves of Lũakẽàń, Sỳÿndoṙeìa decides to sneak into the suár and steal. But the RV arrests most of them; only one reaches there, the Süsü (Silly), a five-and-seven year old girl. But the suár is part of the Aulang Laip, a ship of the Szúnahaum Brotherhood who refuse to extradite her. Receiving citizenship, she gets a new name in the szúni language: Hangikun Szesszinan Nindarangi Szilun Rienszá (Ninda for short), and now measured as 118 years old, she begins living on Aulang Laip, one of the many huge commercial star ships of the Brotherhood, the only nation in the Galaxy which has no home planet, and so they all live on ships.
  Having learned the language by hypnopaedia and attending school, she soon learns this isn’t true: they not only have a home planet, but a whole galactic cloud which includes Szúnahaum, the weirdest habitable planet in the Galaxy. But all of this is kept top secret.
  The ship, home to about 20 thousand people and able to carry as many passengers again, is wandering around in the Galaxy, landing on planets and selling goods and services. Ninda explores these places and gets acquainted with people from many backgrounds, establishing friendships. She’s got a unique, wise philosophical view and a calm, placid temper admired by those who meet her.
  Meanwhile, the repressive dictatorship of Sỳÿndoṙeìa is getting more and more annoyed at her existence. Diplomacy charge d’affaires Åmmaĩt ÎÌdaṙa, a high-ranked official in the department of external affairs, does his best to revoke the interstellar warrant of arrest automatically issued against Ninda when she left Sỳÿndoṙeìa as a wanted criminal, because if anyone tries to arrest her anywhere in the Galaxy, Sỳÿndoṙeìa would face frightening consequences. The Brotherhood is a peaceful nation but extremely arrogant when protecting its citizens. He even travels to Aulang Laip, requesting permission to speak to Ninda, and they then become friends.
  After this meeting, due to a totally unimportant coincidence, Ninda finds herself a target of an interstellar political conflict she absolutely doesn’t care about. Soon she is interviewed by a reporter, and she provides a full account of Sỳÿndoṙeìa and her life there. When the interview is aired by a Sỳÿndoṙeìan opposition TV channel, the poor and repressed people begin to admire and love her, the first person who dared to speak, and thus the Ninda cult starts to spread on the worlds of Sỳÿndoṙeìa and abroad. The emerging movement, calling itself ÀLAN (an abbreviation in sỳÿndoṙ language meaning “Ninda is the real leader of the association”) chooses the way of peaceful protest, following the approach they’ve learned from Ninda.
  Ninda sometimes talks with them via hyperphone, aired live in all the country, but generally, she doesn’t care. With her best friend Szinensi, they’re learning fhangí, a galactically renowned thought organizing system which operates with interconnecting written symbols. She also plays fengrá, a game with complex rules where they throw rings on rods, and other sports. She learns to play a synthesizer-like musical instrument. She buys a pet (a kiri). She is living the normal life of a szúni child, and is a great philosopher at the same time.
  The situation on Sỳÿndoṙeìa is becoming increasingly tense. Åmmaĩt is now the only person in their diplomatic body the szúni are willing to negotiate with, because he is a friend of Ninda and she told them he is a good person. The sỳÿndoṙ intelligence arranges a racist attack against some szúni in a sỳÿndoṙ town. In response, the Brotherhood orders all of its ships to take off from Sỳÿndoṙeìa’s planets, evacuating all of its citizens, leaving the country and severing even the hyperphone lines. Åmmaĩt doesn’t wait to become a scapegoat. He leaves the country with his girlfriend Ḩaỳŷt. They apply for the political refugee status at the Brotherhood, but the szúni want him to work for them as the ambassador to Sỳÿndoṙeìa, and this requires citizenship. Soon both of them join Ninda on board of the Aulang Laip, travelling homewards to celebrate the namindan.
  Arriving to Szúnahaum in the Cloud, they become acquainted with the weirdest world in the Galaxy with human inhabitants. Ninda is continuously travelling around, wanting to see everything. Åmmaĩt and Ḩaỳŷt (in szúni spelling, Ámmaít and Hait) want to be near her, loving her as a daughter or something close to that (for Ninda refuses an adoption), but they aren’t comfortable with this way of living. Ninda announces that she’ll settle in the city of Jasszani, allowing them to live a settled life while staying close to her.
  Part Two
  36 years later, they’re still living in Jasszani. Ámmaít and Hait, now married, are raising two little twin girls, along with several pets. Ninda and Szinensi leave the Cloud on board Angaur Dzsúrarengi, wanting to travel to Saunis (pronounced as if it was in Finnish), but they won’t reveal to anyone why. They learned the language in the meantime.
  During the trip of about four szúni years, via several worlds of different countries, Ninda’s fame is constantly rising in a growing area on the spiral arm, now also as a singer-songwriter, whenever she writes a song and sings it on a world.
  On Saunis, which is a small planet covered with jungle, they meet Aini, a girl of their age with whom they fall in love, and soon they become a couple (all three). They stay on Saunis for a longer time, then Aini leaves along with them, now a naturalized szúni citizen.
  On Sỳÿndoṙeìa, one governmental crisis follows another. The feud between the regime and the ÀLAN is irreconciliable. The ÀLAN has formed workgroups of volunteers who care for teaching, food, shelter and healthcare for the poor, first in secret, then openly, and the government doesn’t dare to ban it, although it hates it. Among the volunteers is Dẁnśy, a boy of Ninda’s age who is corresponding with Ninda and doing so in strict secrecy since his father is Vỳḩaůteń, the Sỳÿndoṙeìan vice foreign minister who is fed up with Ninda. But when he is informed about his son’s voluntary work, his reaction is an intelligent disagreement.
  Ninda decides she wants to visit Sỳÿndoṙeìa where she is the hope of the nation. But there is only one way to achieve this with the diplomatic and trade contact between the Brotherhood and Sỳÿndoṙeìa severed.
  Ninda’s reception on Sỳÿndoṙeìa is like a national holiday, but she wants to speak to the dictator first. Supported by the Brotherhood’s forces, she goes to the presidential office with Szinensi and Aini, and asks him some questions. Ḱïyṙeàn must admit he cannot give answers that she would be able to accept. Åmmaĩt, as the representative of the szúni nation, removes both him and the cabinet from power.
  Ninda travels around the worlds of Sỳÿndoṙeìa and talks with the people. She’s received everywhere with the greatest love and honor. Finishing her tour, she gives her legendary cap to Dẁnśy and leaves the country on Sileni Fónird, which soon changes course in response to a large earthquake on a neighboring single-planet country to which they can bring assistance.
  Ninda, Aini and Szinensi rescue a little girl from under the ruins of her house. She is only 35 years old, seriously injured and who has lost all her family. The girls decide to adopt her. Her new name is Sileni.
  Sileni is taken to Szúnahaum, recovering quickly. They were forced to amputate damaged body parts, but there is a technology to regenerate them, and she regains her body integrity in a few years. Meanwhile, Ninda brings freedom to another country, Niréka, without doing anything for it, they were watching her speeches and acting on their own. Later, Ninda receives an award from the state.
  They found the Ninda Society, a small group of her friends and lawyers, dedicated to settle disputes about her and protect her rights on her behalf.
  A very prestigious philosopher asks Ninda to continue her TV speeches for the Galaxy, calling it a quest of the khaddahum. This means a quest impossible because it is beyond the human abilities and possibilities.
  Hangilaoran, the only university of the Brotherhood and an extremely huge institution, decides not to assign Szinensi and Aini to any tribe. Unbeknownst for all the dzserang (their terms for everyone not szúni), the Brotherhood is a tribal society, and people aren’t born but assigned to tribes when reaching adulthood. Ninda got her tribe earlier because she didn’t belong anywhere in the Brotherhood. When Szinensi’s and Aini’s time comes, Hangilaoran announces the founding of the new tribe for the three girls who decide to call it Nindaran and choose Ninda as their first chief. What the admiration of hundreds of worlds couldn’t achieve, this event can: Ninda becomes one of the most famous personalities in the Brotherhood, too.
  Vỳḩaůteń, disillusioned about the toppled Ḱïyṙeàn and now both an admirer and a personal friend of Ninda, is elected prime minister of Sỳÿndoṙeìa.
  Part Three (work in progress)
  Underway to Hinnuldud where she was invited to sing on a festival, Ninda topples another dictatorship: on Dzsául. Of course, it was actually the action of the szúni armed forces, but her admirers consider it hers. Ninda attributes no importance of it. She makes new friends on the way, that’s what is important.
  A group of her szúni fans found the Ninda Service, dedicated to answer inquiries on her behalf.
  Polls discover now several hundred million people are thinking Ninda is the greatest personality of her time. Other hundred millions think she is the greatest personality of all human history.
  At only 202 years of age, she achieves her first scientific title which translates to other languages as dr. Ninda. It’s given for her attempt to discover the size of the time gap between the swarming out of humanity from Ancient Earth, and the first recorded memories.
  She is invited to host a celebration on Haddari: they’re starting to build an extremely huge creation, a radiation shield, to protect that world against a supernova explosion that’s threatening in the future. The size and cost of the equipment meets the size of the danger, and Ninda’s appearance further enlarges her fame. But she considers it more important that she made friends and sociology observations there.
  The greatest addition to her fame is the publishing of their (the three girls’) book, The First Szían, which becomes extremely famous immediately. A philosophical treatise, it’s not an easy reading but it sells millions a day, translated to hundreds of languages. Reception is enormous. Scientists consider it the most important work of all time. Ninda, who was rich for a long while due to compensations received from Sỳÿndoṙeìa, now becomes rich beyond imagination. She doesn’t care. She continues her studies (what means both studying and teaching the same time, by Hangilaoran’s norms), sings and prepares to their wedding with Aini and Szinensi. Her friends create the Ninda Foundation which spends the earnings of the book on the same aims the Sỳÿndoṙeìans were creating groups in the dictatorship for, and an investment company to handle the amounts of money. Ninda doesn’t care for the money. She travels to Hinanarva, invited to sit in the jury of a song contest. There she meets Nomboka, the TV reporter who created that interview which made Ninda famous at the first place, and still since that, he is an admirer of Ninda, and now asks the szúni citizenship just to be able to live near Ninda and know what is she doing.
  Sỳÿndoṙeìan filmmakers begin to make a movie about Ninda. Ninda helps the girl playing her role to know her and play better.
  Szinensi wants to become pregnant and give birth, so they go to ask the boy she used to date to help them conceive a child. The baby is called Ilgá at its conception, using the fact szúni names are genderless.
  The three girls’ wedding is one of the greatest ceremonies of the time, watched by the whole Brotherhood, but no dzserang TV is allowed to cover it, even the exact date is unrevealed for them.
  Shortly after the first wedding, the family travels to Saunis, to hold another wedding there, by Saunisian customs. While underway, they pay no attention to the Galaxy, where another diplomatic conflict is solved by referring to Ninda’s philosophy.
  The second wedding is less solemn but as happy as the first one. The Galaxy is locked out of this one, too. Hangilaoran publishes the ornamented version of The First Szían, printed on expensive paper, handwritten, in four languages. It costs an amount but it’s also popular. Ninda begins learning acting. She visits Szaisz where she gave them an advice nearly a century ago, and now she can see the result: building of their domed city has begun.
  Returning home, Ninda starts another long time project: she wants to become an esszidzsinna. This is the name of both the organization and its members. They’re the soldiers, astronauts, ambulance, security, fire brigade, emergency management, everything. The training is ten years in the lazy szúni way. During it, Ilgá is born. He is a boy.
  (to be continued)
  Part Four (unsure if it’s going to be written or not)